티스토리 뷰

읽으면서, 들으면서

Life is beautiful...

infinitesp 2014. 10. 6. 12:26

I do think that the whole phenomenon 

of Thierry's obsession with street art,

becoming a street artist,

a lot of suckers buying into his show

and him selling a lot of expensive art very quickly,

it's... anthropologically, sociologically,

it's a fascinating thing to observe,

and maybe there's some things to be learned from it.

I don't know what it means,

Thierry's huge success and arrival in the art world.

I mean, maybe Thierry was a genius all along.


Maybe he got a bit lucky.

Maybe it means art is a bit of a joke.

If Thierry can pull it off, then amazing,

but, you know, it's kind of... I think...

I think the joke is on... 

I don't know who the joke's on, really.

I don't even know if there is a joke.



I don't think Thierry played by the rules, in some ways,

but then, there aren't supposed to be any rules,

so I don't really know what the moral is.

I mean, I always used to encourage everyone I met to make art.

I used to think everyone should do it.

I don't really do that so much anymore.

다큐멘터리 <Exit through the Gift Shop>에서

이건 정말 꼭 봐야 한다!  

예술이 무엇인가?


MBW의 작품을 자세히 보지 않아서 모르지만,

Banksy가 느끼는 배신감은 아마도

MBW에게 느끼는 것이 아니라,

대중에게 느끼는 것이 아닐까?


